I nominate Congressman Don Young as the honorary Chairman of Alaskans for Natural Global Warming.
Check it out http://community.adn.com/?q=adn/node/100622
After spending months in the cold, dark wintery days, this past week has been awfully nice. And I have to say that for the past few days, Don Young has been the brunt of much criticism on his comments on global warming.
Is he right? Yes, Is the Editorial staff at the ADN off their rocker? Yes. But I do have to say I got a chuckle out of the cartoon and thinking about methane gas bubbles but that is a different topic.
A topic on the etiquette in "hot tubbing".
The real story however is in a soon to be released study done on submarine volcanoes. The study will be published this Thursday in Nature magazine.
An international team of scientists has presented its findings from the first observations of the eruption of a submarine volcano that in 2004 and 2005 spewed out plumes of sulfur-rich fluid and pulses of volcanic ash 550 meters below the ocean's surface near the Mariana Islands northwest of Guam.
Those findings will be published Thursday in Nature - just after many of those same scientists returned from another expedition to the site, where they observed new bursts of erupting lava.
Flashback to June 14, 2004 on what I said.
Man made aerosols are not injected into the upper stratosphere, there is no mechanical means to do so. This fact alone disproves what the writer tries to lead one to believe. Other natural occuring events that are affecting the climate are submarine volcanos. This natural event has not been studied to its fullest. There has been no complete study done to see the effect the gases that are injected into the oceans have when those gases raise to the surface and enter the earth's atmosphere at the surface and lower levels.
Here is what one scientist from New Zealand said about his findings.
Dr de Ronde has just returned from a multi-national expedition to a chain of submarine volcanoes in the Mariana Arc, south of Japan.
He was part of a four-week expedition which used a remotely operated vehicle, Jason II, equipped with video and still cameras. The scientists explored nine submarine volcanoes at depths ranging from 200m to 1600m, and at one, called NW Rota-1, found it was erupting, spewing rocks and other debris so violently that they had to back their remotely operated vehicle away.
" Even though 80 per cent of the world's volcanism occurs in the oceans, no-one has ever seen a submarine volcano erupting until now," said Dr de Ronde a GNS Science researcher.
He said seeing the vigorous eruption at a depth of 580 metres was a highlight of his career.The pressure of water sitting above the volcano reduced the power of the eruptions and made it possible to go within a few metres to collect rock and water samples.
He could also see the release of volcanic gases from the vent, known as Brimstone Pit, with the help of the streams of bubbles and multicoloured plumes of hot liquids.
At Daikoku Volcano on the northern part of the Mariana Arc chain, Dr de Ronde saw molten sulphur at 180degC on the seafloor.
"This is also a world first. You don't expect to see liquid sulphur sloshing around in a pond on the seafloor complete with wave-like motions," he said.
"It was incredible to see the sulphur bubbling away, instantly forming a crust which would then get dragged back down into the pond."
Witnessing first-hand processes like the eruption and the molten sulphur lake on the seafloor provided researchers with clues to trying to decipher how the submarine volcanoes really worked, Dr de Ronde said.
Both the eruption and the sulphur lake were striking because of enormous amount of gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide that were pouring into the oceans.
The Mariana Arc is part of the "ring of fire" in the Pacific Ocean, where colliding tectonic plates reach as far as New Zealand
[emphasis added]
As I said before, in June 2004. There had been no study done until now.
The emphasized paragraph should be noted. Also what should be noted is the gas is warmer and lighter than the surrounding water and will rise to the surface. Carbon dioxide is making its way to the surface. How much, that will have to be studied.
No getting "rained out" here as the naysayers like to try to argue on chlroine and volcanoes.
It is a matter of thermodynamics and chemistry.
Today, the Anchorage Times had an editorial on carbon dioxide. It can be found here.
But what about carbon dioxide, the pollutant that has Al Gore campaigning for an end to all bad habits? For one thing, it’s not a pollutant; it’s a natural gas essential for plant growth.
CO2 in the air has increased 40 percent since 1970, though it’s still a tiny portion of the atmosphere — 0.036 percent, and its impact is wildly overstated. The Web site for Al Gore’s new film, “An Inconvenient Truth,” says that the CO2 increase may cause sea levels to rise 20 feet, ice in the Arctic and Antarctic to melt, heat waves to become more frequent and more intense, and “deaths from global warming to double in just 25 years — to 300,000 people a year.”
DuPont notes that similar claims for global catastrophe from pollution by humans were made before. In the 1970s, The New York Times predicted “intolerable deterioration and possible extinction for the human race as a result of pollution.” A noted Harvard biologist then predicted “civilization will end within 15 to 30 years” unless drastic action were taken.
Previously I talked about the "Flat Earth Society." Put the ADN editorial staff in that group, I am sure that the mantra on the "civilization will end within 15 to 30 years" would have found its way into the ADN editorial staff's pages since they like to quote the New York Times.
And what about our own Legislators?
01 Creating an Alaska Climate Impact Assessment Commission.
03 WHEREAS recent weather patterns have created warming trends that have
04 jeopardized the health and well-being of residents of communities and the natural resources
05 on which they rely; and
06 WHEREAS flooding and erosion negatively affect coastal and river communities in
07 both rural and urban areas of the state; and
08 WHEREAS coastal communities are negatively affected by flooding and erosion
09 because of delayed formation of protective shore ice in the fall; and
10 WHEREAS communities along riverbanks or in river deltas are more susceptible to
11 flooding and erosion caused by ice jams, snow and glacial melts, rising sea levels, changing
12 river patterns, and heavier rainfall; and
13 WHEREAS permafrost is found beneath approximately 80 percent of the state; and
14 WHEREAS, in recent years, there has been widespread thawing of permafrost in
15 some areas, causing land to slump and erode, which in turn has caused serious damage to
16 roads, buildings, and other infrastructure; and
01 WHEREAS the thawing of the permafrost is likely to continue, which will have a
02 continuing negative effect on future structures and development; and
03 WHEREAS fish and wildlife habitats are changing, affecting the accessibility and
04 viability of certain species; and
05 WHEREAS resource development and the revenue it generates are potentially
06 negatively affected by the effects of climate change; and
07 WHEREAS the rapidly retreating sea ice affects polar route navigation and has raised
08 security concerns; and
09 WHEREAS the state has only one employee working on these issues; and
10 WHEREAS, although the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment provides the necessary
11 scientific foundation to assess current effects of climate change in the Arctic, it does not
12 address the economic effects of climate change on the State of Alaska; and
13 WHEREAS a comprehensive plan to address these issues, prevent or mitigate
14 negative effects of climate change, and address economic effects on the state will help save
15 lives, protect public health, preserve economic and resource development, and protect
16 valuable infrastructure;
17 BE IT RESOLVED by the Alaska State Legislature that there is created an Alaska
18 Climate Impact Assessment Commission; and be it
19 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall consist of 11 members as
20 follows:
21 (1) two senators appointed by the president of the senate;
22 (2) two representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of
23 representatives; and
24 (3) seven public members appointed jointly by the president of the senate and
25 the speaker of the house of representatives consisting of
26 (A) one member with expertise in climatology or knowledgeable in the
27 area of oceanography;
28 (B) one member who is knowledgeable about Alaska's economy;
29 (C) one member who is knowledgeable in the area of land
30 management or restoration of wildlife and natural resources;
31 (D) one member experienced in arctic and sub-arctic engineering
01 requirements for public highway and facility construction and maintenance;
02 (E) a recognized local expert representing affected Alaska
03 communities;
04 (F) one member who represents affected resource development
05 industries;
06 (G) one member who represents the affected tourism industries; and be
07 it
08 FURTHER RESOLVED that the task force shall select a chairperson from among
09 members of the legislature; and be it
10 FURTHER RESOLVED that the public members of the commission may receive
11 compensation for per diem or reimbursement for travel or other expenses incurred in serving
12 on the commission; and be it
13 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission may meet during and between
14 legislative sessions; and be it
15 FURTHER RESOLVED that the House and Senate Resources Committees may
16 assign committee staff to provide support services for the commission; and be it
17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the duties of the commission include the following:
18 (1) assess the current and potential effects of climate warming trends on the
19 citizens, natural resources, public health, and economy of the state, in particular the adverse
20 effects on natural resource development, forest safety, fish and game utilization,
21 transportation, community, and resource development infrastructures;
22 (2) estimate costs to the state and its citizens of adverse effects associated with
23 climate charge;
24 (3) identify specific circumstances of flooding and erosion that have affected
25 life, property, and economic and resource development in the state;
26 (4) examine alternative measures to prevent and mitigate the effects of
27 flooding and erosion;
28 (5) develop policies to guide infrastructure investments in Alaska villages,
29 cities, and boroughs that are most affected by flooding and erosion;
30 (6) recommend land use regulations, including area standards for designation
31 of land prone to flooding and erosion;
01 (7) investigate and assess issues involving permafrost and damage caused by
02 permafrost;
03 (8) recommend policies to decrease the negative effects of climate change;
04 and
05 (9) identify and coordinate efforts of mutual concern with federal, state, and
06 local agencies; and be it
07 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall offer recommendations and
08 provide possible solutions and preventative measures that can be implemented by Alaska
09 communities and by the state and federal governments; and be it
10 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall conduct eight hearings
11 throughout the state to fulfill its purpose; and be it
12 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall deliver a preliminary report of its
13 findings to the legislature on March 1, 2007, and make a final report to the legislature on
14 January 10, 2008, together with legislative proposals for consideration; and be it
15 FURTHER RESOLVED that the commission shall be available for legislative
16 hearing on its final report and recommendations; and be it
17 FURTHER RESOLVED that the continuation or termination of the commission
18 shall be reevaluated at the Second Regular Session of the Twenty-Fifth Alaska State
19 Legislature.
I am not sure the problem on the warming of the Arctic is going to be resolved. The natural events will continue to have an impact on all lifestyles in Alaska and adjustments will be needed in those lifestyles.
You can't stop mother nature.
Unfortunately, what has transpired is misinformation is being propagated as truth and Alaskan Natives are being used by environmental groups when it suits them.
And Legislators who buy the falsehood sign on. Unless of course your Congressman Don Young.
And that ain't a bad thing.
Now, I think I will go put some suncreen/sunblocker with a SPF rating of 150 and go outside and enjoy the evening.
Update: More bad news for the "alarmists."
The European study by scientists in the Netherlands, the U.K. and Germany argues that their research plays a new card in the climate-change scenario: that while greenhouse gases contribute to increases in global temperature, the reverse is also true, that higher temperatures exacerbate the release of greenhouse gases.
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