Sunday, July 27, 2008

More on Troopergate

In today's ADN, a detailed story was published about Tooper Wooten. The story can be found here.

Here is the foundation to the article:

Wooten is 35, a state trooper since March 2001 and an Air Force veteran.
He's a father of young children who has been married and divorced four

The thoughts that should be going through Andrew Halcro's mind should be "In the mean time, God help Trooper Mike Wooten."

An irony of sorts since it was Andrew Halcro who in effect, put Trooper Wooten on a pedestal.

Halcro wrote:

The most tragic part of this whole story is Trooper Mike Wooten. For the
last four years his children have endured inexcusable stress at the hands of the
governor and her family.

It is evident Halcro missed the mark on Trooper Wooten. Here is a man who is 35 years old and has been married four times. Something is clearly wrong in Halcro's world of Ozzie and Harriet.

Given that Wooten has been married four times raises questions on were four women wrong in picking a man or was one man wrong in picking four women. The odds are against Wooten and are actually better with Palin and her family telling the truth. Contrary to what Halcro wrote.

It is known that Trooper Wooten released the Adminstrative Investigative file, information that contradicts the innuendo brought forth by Halcro in his intial thread on the subject.

Halcro wrote:

During the legislative session this past spring, Palin reportedly told Commissioner Monegan to fire Wooten because he was giving Troopers a bad name. However Monegan said he would do no such thing.

A short time afterwards, it was discovered that confidential material in Wooten's Administrative Investigation file had been released to his ex-wife and her attorney. This drew outrage from the Public Safety Union as well as the Commissioner. AI files are strictly confidential and can only be released with the written signature of the Trooper, but yet no one could explain how the detailed confidential information was released.

Reportedly, both Commissioner Monegan and Colonel Audie Halloway warned that if they found out the file was leaked by the governor's office, they would pursue charges.

Now here is where the story gets interesting on Monegan and Colonel Audie Halloway. Through Halcro's innuendo, he stated that they did not know who leaked the file.

But in today's ADN it is reported that "Wooten recently gave his union permission to release the entire investigative file, all 482 pages and hours of recorded interviews."

Wooten gave permission to the union. The article does not state when, but it does say that the union did have permission. Thus the question remains would not Colonel Holloway and Monegan know that is was released?

Also in the court's findings, the court pointed to behaviors of Wooten that suggest it had proof of he acting inmature when handling conflicts.

More to come............

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