Wednesday, September 10, 2008

As Alaska Goes to McCain/Palin so does the rest of the United States

McCain now leads his Democratic opponent nearly two-to one, 64% to 33%, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of voters in the state. It is the first poll taken since Palin, who is extremely popular in Alaska, joined the GOP national ticket (crosstabs available for Premium Members).


McCain now has the support of 91% of the state’s GOP voters and 17% of AlaskaDemocrats. Obama is backed by 79% of Democrats and seven percent (7%) of Republicans. Unaffiliated voters prefer McCain by a 57% to 39% margin.
Prior to picking Palin, McCain was slightly ahead.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey in the state shows John McCain still holding a five-percentage point lead over Barack Obama, 44% to 39%. When “leaners” are included in the total, McCain now leads 48% to 42%. The survey was the first in the state conducted following the Stevens’ indictment and was completed on Wednesday night. While closer than expected, the race has remained remarkably stable. Two weeks ago, it was McCain 45%, Obama 40%. A month ago, the Republican candidate was ahead 45%to 41%.

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