Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Follow Up on the Thread a Tale of One City: Scranton Pa.

Earlier I had written about a pollster and his numbers on Pennsylvania.

Today there is a follow up story here.

Palin’s visit came two days after Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden joined former President Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton at the same venue. Biden is running with Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois.

Scranton officials placed Sunday’s crowd at nearly 3,000; a city fireman said there were more than 6,000 in the room at the sports complex Tuesday.

Double the turn-out for Palin. That should tell you folks something. Don't believe the polls when they say Barack is winning. The ground game is telling.

A notable paragraph:

Palin was interrupted several times during her speech by chants of “Sarah, Sarah, Sarah.” Signs were raised throughout the raucous rally, carrying messages such as “Catholics for McCain-Palin,” “Choosey Moms Choose Life,” “Hunters for McCain,” “Real Men Vote Palin” and “Drill Baby Drill.”

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