Saturday, April 18, 2009

Iran's Reciprocity for Obama Closing GITMO: Send a Thank You to Code Pink

Obama dismayed by Iran sentence

Shades of Iran hostages and Jimmy Carter color the first 100 days of Jimmy Carter II.

Ms Saberi, 31, was sentenced after a secret one-day trial in Tehran.

The writer of the story that is posted on the BBC site, is playing it as a diplomatic setback by writing the following.

It raises deep suspicions over whether the case has been hijacked by hardliners within the Iranian government, eager to sabotage any reconciliation, the BBC's Jon Leyne reports from Tehran.

Hijacked? Please, Iran hasn't been hijacked by hardliners, they have just come out of the shadows since Jimmy Carter II got elected.

CODEPINK, get you asses on a plane and tell Iran to free her. We Americans who know better, know Obama was a fraud. Now put up or shut the hell up.

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