Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tommy Christopher Launches into Palin's Criticism of Obama on Missile Defense

Tommy Christopher fires and misses.

President Obama's position on missile defense is that we make investments wisely, in systems that have a reasonable chance of success and cost-effectiveness. That assessment is backed up by a recent Pentagon report that concluded that the current program is rife with waste and mismanagement.

While Palin is correct that North Korea's missile launch, failure though it was, does underscore the need for a missile defense system. However,it does not mean that we should throw money indiscriminately at programs that are dead ends. We need a water-powered car, too, but that's just not in the cards right now.

I suspect that Palin's grandstanding has a little something to do with her aspirations for the 2012 presidential race. Her capability to step in for John McCain as Commander-in-Chief was called into question during the campaign, despite her proximity to Russia. Her statement reads almost like a foreign head of state offering assistance to the US than that of a Governor with a policy disagreement.

North Korea's ambitions, whatever they might be, should not force the President, or this country, into a rash decision that we will likely regret. There are far more immediate, and plausible, steps to be taken.

How do missile systems become accurate? You test them. Tommy Christopher is clueless. What are the plausible steps? Talking?

How about focusing on Obama signing an omnibus bill full of pork or how about his idea on an proven health care reform that will cost 100 of billions dollars and we have a pretty good idea on how that will work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

from the article: While Palin is correct that North Korea's missile launch, failure though it was, does underscore the need for a missile defense system. However,it does not mean that we should throw money indiscriminately at programs that are dead ends.
Which of BO's programs are NOT dead ends?

Since Korea can obviously (with a bit of refinement) reach Alaska, Hawaii, and sites on the mainland (don't forget, the Japanese kinda did) it only makes sense to set up as many good barriers as possible!
