Thursday, July 16, 2009

Barbara Boxer is a Racist

First she tries to diminish the guy by setting him up by asking him where he lives, then you knew it was coming when she puts in the record the N.A.A.C.P.'s Atlanta office resolution.

Barbara Boxer, the guy lived in California before you came on to the scene and he still owns property there.


Timeshare Jake said...

She is a disrepsectful hag!

Anonymous said...

Yes Harry C. Alford, you need to support this because other Black organizations have, that's what she's saying. She doesn't see a person, she sees a color. She was shamelessly trying to play you. She is condescending and I don't blame you at all for reacting like you did, I would have also. Why didn't this incident make the news?

Doomicon said...

How come this wasn't on CNN or MSNBC?

Doomicon said...

How come she didn't interrupt him and demand that she be referred to as Senator, as she did with a General just recently.