The following is part on an introduction that is written for the Alaska Chapter to Red County.... There have been some delays, but we should be moving forward on the launch in the near future.
Meanwhile part of the intro..
What I found interesting from media personalities like Keith Olbermann or Rachael Maddow from MSNBC was; when they were talking about Alaska’s political landscape and Sarah Palin, they did so with a sincere ignorance at the beginning.
But as time went on, they ended with making outright lies laced with facts and they sounded like a local actor in Fairbanks, waxing prose of tall tales of the Great White North or Soapy Smith episodes.
The narrative of those on the left went as so far as to state a lie in an ad that Sarah Palin was a member of the AIP when she wasn’t.
Trying to show a link between Obama palling around with Bill Ayers and Palin palling around with members with the AIP, was far-fetched and just plain dumb. Moreover, many of the members of the AIP are Alaskan Natives with one Alaskan Native, Carl Moses being a former AIP member elected to the state legislature.
Why do Atmospheric Rivers Occur?
1 hour ago
Are you trying to say that because Alaska's indigenous people join the AIP it is reason enough to excuse Sarah's poor choices? If so, I disagree. Sarah has made some blunders, this is one. Let us have the honesty to say so and go on.
Party platforms are important and it behoves us all not to be reflexive as we try to find answers to difficult questions.
The narrative of those on the left went as so far as to state a lie in an ad that Sarah Palin was a member of the AIP when she wasn’t.''
Todd Palin, her husband, certainly was a member for 7 years as was proved by various sources, including emails from the McCain campaign.
So...technically she wasn't a member, but she was knowingly sleeping with the enemy.
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