Yesterday the Alaska Supreme Court held the oral argument in my case against President Obama.
First some janitorial work (clean up the BS on the internet) must be attended to - according to Great Grey an Alaskan icon in legalese who has a dual identity but hangs his head in an elevator and doesn't like to look you in the eye but put his two cents in.
Here is what took place without the GreatGrey the BS.
The questions and answers were between Justice Winfree and myself and one exchange dealt with his statement that the Alaska Dispatch Joe Miller case revolved around local documents.
This statement was borne out of my statement that the Alaska Dispatch stated in brief the public/voter has a right to know what the facts are that surround a public official.
Even the Court has supported that - so his statement was turned to an issue that required and answer and that was if it was a case of paternity - the documents (like a birth certificate) from another state could be requested.
After the answer, he moved to ask if I could sue Judges - I looked at the Justices and stated yes - reason: after all they were elected by the voter - he then moved to ask if I could sue Governor Parnell - I answered yes - reason: again he is elected by the voter.
He did ask if I was representing the public - I indicated that I had citizen/taxpayer standing and that I am affected by Obamacare, etc, etc, and that the public had an interest in this case.
One important point
It was pointed out that an affidavit states the President went to college as a foreign student. And that the Indonesian constitution barred the President from holding a dual citizenship. Implication is fraud had been committed by the President if he did enroll himself in college as a foreign student.
This case was argued in a manner that it is a Catch 22. I would be surprised if they issue a published ruling.
Interestingly, there was one suit in the audience and he was not part of the crazy fringe that hang out at Fogbow. Who was he? No answer.
As for my conversation with GreatGrey - I can understand why he hides behind an anonymous when he likes to attack people. His lack of strength to look you in the eye and look at the ground was telling.
Too bad.
Why do Atmospheric Rivers Occur?
2 hours ago
I believe your entire screed boils down to.......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the scary black man is in MY WHITEHOUSE.
Oh and as an aside I find this GG individuals description to be far more likely to be founded in reality than yours
A Birther is calling someone "the crazy fringe"? Oh the irony. LOL
Great Grey has predicted that the Alaska Supreme Court will affirm the dismissal of your suit. If it does, will you be man enough to admit he was correct, and apologize to him?
Soetoro best enjoy his last days of pretending to be pResident...
Soetoro's birth certificate and Selective Service are forged. His SSN is fraudulent.
The media is jumping ship. Democrats are scurrying for cover.
They've been covering for an illegal alien who has ultimately sent thousands of people to their death.
The final death blow will be when Sheriff Arpaio's forensic evidence
of forgery proving clearly that Soetoro is an illegal alien is entered
into the upcoming Alabama Supreme Court case.
The One is about to be exposed.
The Day of Reckoning is near.
It will be breathtaking...
Carl Gallups: Sheriff Joe's 'Universe Shattering'
Obama ID Fraud Evidence Set For March
One of the first comments I see:
"Anonymous said...
I believe your entire screed boils down to.......WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the scary black man is in MY WHITEHOUSE.
Oh and as an aside I find this GG individuals description to be far more likely to be founded in reality than yours
5:15 AM
Sayeth an anonymous person. Looks like you are too afraid to say who you are when you make such accusations!
So who should take you seriously, huh? Coward!
Anonymous makes personel attacks, and demonizes those concerned with all of Obama's eligibility issues, not just his birth certificates, by calling them Birthers, while taking the gutless way out by using the anonymous tag. We can only hope that the evidence will someday make it into the public's eye, in a way that can not be ingored, so the public may finally come out of the denial they have been manuvered into, by those willing to support the presence of a foreign national in the Office of the President.
Anon @5:15 AM your racist rant about the scary black man - evidently you missed the part where Romney was part of the lawsuit and the part where I said Judges and Sean Parnell could be sued.
The crazy fringe from Fogbow have escaped.
Lets have a look at the scoreboard
"Crazy Fringe From Fogbow" Achievements - Correctly predicting the outcomes of 210 Birther cases. meaning we predicted you would lose, you lost.
Birther Achievements; Several judgements which directly affirmed the eligibility of Barack Obama II for the President. For Birthers, that means the courts said they said he could be president and not one court said he couldn't. Even the Anti-Obamacare idiots managed to get ONE court to agree with them.
Oh you want examples of this Birther success? Oh Ankeny V Daniels and Farrar V Georgia come to mind offhand.
And really, who cares if you had the Mexican guy Romney on the lawsuit, Lamb old boy? That's just like the birthers claiming McCain was ineligible too just so they could claim to be impartial, when in actuality they spent heir entire time talking about the Black guy from Hawaii.
And finally, we all now you read the Fogbow, Lamby old chap. Why dont you tell your readers about it. You are one of us! Why don't you come out of the closet, drop the pretense and live free! Be yourself! Greet the world with love and understanding.
JJ O'Shaughnessy, or Suranis
You think I actually want to register here? Not on your life
Oh, one last thing, Bob explained back in October why your evocation of the miller case didn't help you
Just thought might find it interesting.
Much love,
Suranis LOL I usually get unsolicited tweets/comments from you Fogbow nut jobs first.
Case in point - you
I also check what craziness from another site has put out. One that you feed off of.
Think long and hard on how this case was argued.
There are two outcomes - one Obama loses or two - Joe Miller wins.
You do realize why the judges asked you these questions because it shows that you lack standing.
Just a prediction, they may reject based on failure to properly serve.
Either way, you do not seem to understand our Constitution and who you can sue and under what circumstances the courts have jurisdiction.
Charlesmountain: The media is jumping ship. Democrats are scurrying for cover.
ROTFL, have we not heard that before. I predict nothing will happen, for simple reasons that the birth certificate is valid.
"Suranis LOL I usually get unsolicited tweets/comments from you Fogbow nut jobs first.
Case in point - you "
Gosh, after a little bit of research (I used the back button on your blog. It takes a little more effort than advanced birther pullstuffoutofyourass research techniques but does produce results) I found the last time you got a comment on any of the piles of words you call articles was... last May.
In fact, the total number of unsolicited comments you got in the whole of last year was... two. And they were not at all uncomplimentary, so the chances of them coming from "fogbow idiots" is rather small. Indeed, this article has already equaled the amount of comments you have gotten in the last several years.
It can't be that you are lying your little ass off to make yourself seem big and important, could it?
"I also check what craziness from another site has put out. One that you feed off of."
Yep, I know you read the Fogbow. Its nice that you are part of our little community. *HUG*
"Think long and hard on how this case was argued. "
Hmm... ok the word "badly" floats to the top of my mind. "Babbling Incoherently" now rises from my subconscious. Now I see the words "Inappropriate References," "Bad Law" and "No Probative Value" followed by "Frivolous arguments." And finally "No idea what you are talking about" rises sylphlike from the depths.
"There are two outcomes - one Obama loses or two - Joe Miller wins."
Joe Millers case has zip to so with this. Miller's case was about Millers PERSONNEL files, that is, records of Miller's Employment. Those records would have been held by private firms. It had nothing to do with his personal records or Government records that are protected under privacy law. You try getting the college records of your own child and see how far you get. Hint; You will get told no and that's final. Employee records are not protected by those statutes.
That's my foreign non lawyers interpretation of why your suit will be added to the 210 other failed birther law suits. But hey, enjoy your moment in the sun as another Birther hope, before they forget about you like they have every other petitioner after their defeats.
But you will always have us. :hug:
Bottom line, Tom:
Are you going to win, or will you be joining the other 230+ lost cases with ZERO wins in the birther repertoire?
My prediction is, you'll lose. I'll bet the farm on it. I mean that literally. I really will bet the farm on it against anyone with a stake willing to put it up.
Yes I am that confident, because you really are that wrong.
Mr. Lamb:
You are going to lose this appeal, just as every other birther suit has failed. You will lose not only because you are wrong on the facts (President Obama was born in Hawaii) and on the law (he qualifies as a "NBC" under all applicable jurisprudence, but also because you, and your fellow birthers are a collection of racists, bigots and flaming idiots.
As you seem to have a problem with anonymous persons posting, my name is Howard Appel and you can reach me at
P.S. The Fogbow rules and birthers are idiots.
contact me
I met with the Cold Case Possee
I have info for you that might help you
Watch your back Tom, you know what the obots did to Andrew Breitbart.
Ah, Breitbart, yes he suffered from cardiomegaly and died of heart failure.
Are you really blaming 'obots' for this. Hilarious
I met with the Cold Case Possee
How are they doing with their 'official' investigation and their inability to refute the Xerox Workcentre workflow?
Such clowns
: I have info for you that might help you
I think that nothing much can help our friend right now. Legally speaking, his case is dead.
> And that the Indonesian constitution barred the President from holding a dual citizenship.
So you're saying Indonesian decides who can be a US citizen and therefore who can be US President? Not really, do you?
" Watch your back Tom, you know what the obots did to Andrew Breitbart."
Ah yes Briatbart. He dies of a heart attack after several years of heart problems and the Birthers scream "The evidence of heart disease means MURDER!!! And he was about to convert to Birtherism you know despite years of saying Birthers were total idiots"
Fuddy. She dies of a heart arythmia due to shock because of a plane crash, and Birthers scream "The LACK of evidence of heart problems means MURDER!!! And she was about to convert to birtherism you know despite years of saying that Birthers were total idiots."
But hey, lets look at what happened to all those other people who brought birther cases... oh yeah. nothing. So I guess lamb is as much at risk as any of them. I.E. not.
With love
does anyone know who NBC or RC are ?? jj ?
Didn't RC and NBC identify the likely forger to be a Xerox WorkCentre, embarrassing the shoddy work done by the clown posse?
Has anyone managed to rebut their findings?
scott erlandson said...
does anyone know who NBC or RC are ?? jj ?
I do. Have you looked in the OFA employee site?
I think Lamb has deserted us. Is he resorting to the tried and true tactic of hiding and hoping we go away.
I guess he is too much of a man to look us straight in the eye when someone comes along that can provide the counter facts to his narrative.
Sad, really. :(
With Love
Mr. Scott E.
I believe the R.C. fellow is a professor. I think his first name begins with "R" and the last name is Hinkley.
R.I.P. Russell.
GreatGrey's real name is Barry Byrne. He is a pilot who flies military transport planes for Atlas Air. If you have issues with him abusing his power as a pilot as he plays his viscous malevolent games, contact Atlas Air and lodge a complaint.
it is easy to look him up on the Internet. He owns a Cessna plane which is registered to his home. He makes regular political contributions. He is beyond a political hack, he is a cyber bully/criminal.
When people bully on the Internet there is recourse.
I'm sorry, what should I complain about, the political contributions or that he doesn't own a Beachcraft?
Birthers are sill creatures.
Obots made Breitbart do drugs for much of his life and made him obese causing his heart problems? Who knew that Obots were so powerful.
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