Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Correction on Sherry Whitstine: Ms. Frye

I stand corrected to an earlier post. It was Ms. Frye who worked as a receptionist for Lyda Green.

In a message dated 9/30/2008 9:53:09 A.M. Alaskan Daylight Time, aksyrin@gmail.com writes:

Sep 26, 2008 ... And last but not least, what about Sherry Whitstine? She worked as a receptionist for State Senator Lyda Green

You are INCORRECT Mr. Lamb! Perhaps as a 'toe the line' Republican hack you have to lie about facts and ignore how totally incompetent in word and deed Sarah really is. I DO NOT LIE or will I perpetuate a fraud to my nation, which is Sarah Palin!

Sherry Whitstine


UPDATE: January 29, 2008 - 11:39am |

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January 29, 2008 - 2:38pm |

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January 29, 2008 - 1:21pm | Lysander_Spooner

You know, Syrin ...

... you really ought to limit your blogging from your Capitol computer, on state time, to more substantive posts than this. How would it look if you got busted?

Congrats on #5

March 5, 2008 - 7:15pm | Syrin

Congrats on #5

Wow, Sarah is preggers 7 months at 44...I thought she was just getting a bit chunky! My bad!

It is an indication on how decieving she can be..

Why not just come out at 3 months? I mean, she's the open and transparent governor .....Apparently not

Whatever it takes..


Whatever it takes..

What I have been witnessing for years, Todd is always with the girls, Sarah is always on a trip.
Sorry, he does not seem happy and either do the girls .....

This would be a saving-face moment if, Sarah would take this happy event to step down.

Her family needs her way more then we do....agreed?




What přátel is she working at? Getting preggers, apparently...

She provides no service to this state! She has in truth created an atmosphere of hate in all areas. There are many issues that will affect this state for decades, Sarah is not capable of handling those issues sufficently, especially with a baby...
Her family needs her much more then we do....

Ms.Whitstine, pay close attention, the quote was from the NYT article that was published with you in it. She meaning, Frye was the one you were talking about. Now when you go on the Palin has a vendetta against people who get in her way, remember this, Frye worked for Green.

Start singing Kumbaya. When people read your comments about the pregnancy, what are people going to think about you?

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