Thursday, March 12, 2009

Team Sarah: Give it a Rest On Palin Picking Christen (update)

C4P has a post on Team Sarah and wishing she had picked someone else.

She couldn't and anyone to say she should have, needs to carefully think what she was dealt. It was a stacked deck. As for the parental consent bill, if it passes, then goes to Court, it could very well be shot down with Christen being one of the Justices to do it.

Back before Palin was a governor, here is a short correspondence between Governor Palin and myself.

From: "Sarah"
References: <***.******.********>
Subject: Re: Happy New Year!
Date: Fri, 30 Dec 2005 08:57:31 -0900

Can't wait to hear what comes from your meeting after the new year!

Who are your opponents?

Is Donely ever going to jump back into elected office?

I'm attending the How How rest.'s RTL shin dig tonight... maybe I'll see you there?

RTL is the Alaska Right to Life. Governor Palin before she was governor, has always been an advocate of the pro-life movement. The fact that she didn't choose someone else during this process is confusing the issue.

She took an oath to uphold the Alaska Constitution and how it operates. It can be argued when it comes to that obligation on matters like the process of picking a Justice to the Alaska Supreme Court, Governor Palin acted like a strict constitutional constructionist.

This argument on she "could have", has got to stop. No, she could not have picked someone else, because the Alaska Constitution gives directions on the matter.

As an aside to this, is polling here in Alaska. The questions are specific on conservative issues and one question asks if you would vote for Sarah Palin for Governor in 2010.


Update: For crying out loud, Fagan is on a Populist vs. Conservative rant about Palin.

He starts off by talking about one of the poll questions from polling done by a PAC that I linked too. The question is correct. I too was polled; this evening.

Question #2 of the survey was virtually impossible to answer with a “no”. To paraphrase; Governor Palin has stood for lower taxes, more jobs, less government, more oil development. Do you support Governor Palin’s position?

Impossible to answer? No, it isn't impossible to answer. Do you agree with the conservative positions? Now if she has done these things to the level that the individual feels comfortable with, then it is left up to the "eye of the beholder" to voice that opinion.

However, when it comes to making opinions, Fagan is becoming a joke. His position on wanting Palin to have fought the judicial process, in itself is a populist move, as is his position on initiatives.

There is a lot of irony on Fagan's part. And quite frankly, a lot of hypocrisy.

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