Friday, July 03, 2009

Palin Steps Down

I Don't blame her. Smart move, it puts Parnell in a good position for re-election.

Looks like Bob Poe and Hollis French lose.

Let the campaigning for the 2010 midterm elections begin. The left will think they have won because she has resigned, but that is not how it will play out.

Meanwhile in today's ADN they have a story posted about Beverly Wooley getting canned.

The part that is telling of the story is Jay Butler who left the Palin administration to go work for the CDC on the H1N1 vaccine. The article is written as a hit piece on Palin.

She's the second top health official to leave within days. The state's chief medical officer, Jay Butler, left in late June after declining to take on Wooley's job along with his own. He now is in Atlanta, overseeing a U.S. Centers for Disease Control task force on a vaccine to protect against the H1N1 flu virus.

As has been posted on this website numerous times, the CDC has lied or witheld the truth about the virus and the vaccine. That should tell you something.

The left will have no more Palin to file complaints on. What will they do?


Anonymous said...

The speculation has been “Who’ll lead the rudderless Republicans?” Well, I think Sarah has declared, “Let’s get this party started.”

The race for 2012 has commenced and the pacer has taken the lead. The winner? Who knows! Obama will have to face criticism from individuals, not faceless groups. The Obama game is gonna hafta change.

To paraphrase the Indy 500… “Gentlemen, open your wallets!!”

Unknown said...

She will be in the political spotlight for sometime.

Anonymous said...

The left will have no more Palin to file complaints on. What will they do?
Pound sand?

That's what I love the most about this. She has left them with nothing.

The yin no longer has its yang.

Joker no longer has Batman.

All they can do now is fade back into irrelevancy.